Ice and Cool tip

Instead of adding ice cubes to the water bowl to cool the smoke, which take up a lot of the water space and won’t filter the smoke not to say make it hard to take a toke–try crushing small the cubes or putting in the blender. The ice will then cool well. You’ll be able to add this as 100% of the water space and it will filter your smoke.

Hookah 1

Smecht Gut, Ya?

The ultimate¬† shisha info video done by the German science version of Galileo, but if youknow English or Yiddish you’ll understand 95% of the words. Its quite self explanitory and amazing to watch.

We¬† have the young chap Max Held–hookah smoker in residence driving down the road with his hookah in the car¬† left hand on the wheel and with hose in right hand shifting gears between puffs.

Also show is a couple of guys with hookahs in their backpacks smoking on the avenue and a Turkish man who built a factory for complete making works of good narghilas.

This is an amazing video which you’ll be hapy to see.

Nice music videos by “Yanni”

an Idea when Lighting Charcoals

More often than not when lighting  quick lighting charcoals I get two negative results right  away. One is the sparks flying and sometimes  half a coal sets off into orbit around the room which is dangerous.

The second being that the coal only burns well on one side and I have to blow on it for awhile until the  complete coal is well lit.

It occured to me by dumb luck that instead of lighting the coal¬†in the usual fashion ,¬†laying down in the coal carrying tray I tried lighting it on its round side standing up. Makes sense. The reason coals explode is too much massive heat tocontain them. Like often happens if you put one half a coal on top of a whole one when lighting. The they fly apart. By having the coal laying face down the same thing.Much of the heat is transfered to the bottom of the tray since the coal can’t burn well the layer of gunpowder which lights it. Only on one side. You’re left with a badly lit coal and a hot bottom!

By standing it up you get an even over-all burn. see photo

(What ever you do, never  directly light the coal onto the shisha clay bowl as it will scorch the shisha top layer or more and fill it with the smell of gunpowder instead of flavour!)

Videos,Arab music war in Afghanistan multi-national

Here we have some videos, music to hear while smoking, and some to watch. No political or religous favouritism here meant pro or con.

“Night and day” by the famous Farid Al Atrash RIP

“Ya Mustapha” by Sami Yusuf

Dannish UN troops in Afghanistan

Farid Al atrash on the  oud, singing and a dancer.

Those nice boys from Canada get ambushed

¬†”Be compassionate to prisoners” .

Sami Yususf :

In this Russian made drama movie the Taliban dump hard on the Russkies.The whole movie is great!

Umm Kulthum (“The Mother of the Nation”) Most famous Egyptian singer