A great combo
“Everyone has something to hide except me and my monkey”
quote :  Alexis P.J. Smithey-Finebergsky
“Borat explains ALL you need to know in setting up your first hookah”
Hi Class

state -of-the-art hookah
 state-of-the-art crucifiction :
The goyim have a 2,400 year old tradition  and often need to catch a Jew poisoning the wells  in order to hang him up like the gentiles did to Yoshkeh (J.C.)
“Did you poison the well of Herod?”

Who was dodging lions in Rome ?

Der Yiddin !
It shaw warnt
Southern Baptists and Good Ole boys from swampy  Louisiana !

Lion :
“There’s nothing quite like the smell of Jew in the morning, makes me feel like………victory”


¬†”I never did like cats”

“anybody got a toothpick? Jeez is that bothering me gums”
“Centurion, if you laugh at my lisssssp its off to the Warsss in¬† Britain and Gaul!”
“Did anyone call a Mohel? We have to do a Brit Milah in 7 more days!”
“Mother, I need 3 quid to purchase a new Zitzit¬† Fringe prayer shirt….Judas ripped-off me last one”.

more for a prayer quarum,psss.Pass it on”


“Is it a bird?”
“Is it a plane?” 

No! Its….”Bicycle RepairMan”

“Bicycle RepairMan! How¬† can¬† I¬† EVER¬† repay you?”

“Cheer up Brian, ya ol bugger!¬† Always look on the bright side of life”

“Look! I already told you. I¬† am¬† NOT¬† the Messiah”
<object width=”425″ height=”355″><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/oI5cNO-zK0U&rel=1″></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/oI5cNO-zK0U&rel=1” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″></embed></object>
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(Can’t say that I didn’t try to bring down the photo for this great low-priced hose)
(Google images)
More wood on the new version, longer hose with great flexability.
Here is the link
Here from Google images the “Pom Pom” hose, same great flexability.
The hose part is a Syrian rubber like hose the most flexible that I’ve ever used.
I can literaly tie it up in knots like a giant rubber band just to give you the ideaI never really got off on “rubber”.
Since I bought 3 cheaply, after half a year I decided to see if it was washable.
And it is, with good results. The outer surface being more porous, it took around 20 hours to dry completely, but  it cleaned perfectly.
Most companies promise that their hoses ARE washable.
It’s true!
Doesn’t help you that most hoses have a non-coated wire inside for support which all rust eventually from humidty and surely rust out ig-time after washed.
The below hose is purely p.v.c. .  Will wash and dry in 1 minute flat.
I have a few. The above is short a bit, I have taken 2 and made a super long washable hose.
Please see all other  hoses, tobaccos, hookahs,etc on left-side of this page.
I bought mine awhile ago and instead of the nice long classic wooden  andle now available, mine have coloured pom-poms.
This hose fit small,medium and largest size hookahs with the right rubber grommet.
¬†Check this¬† home-made¬† aquarium hookah.Great techno music great quality ,hi-tech self made hookah.Seems that the inventor “can’t find the forest because there are too many trees?”
And I don’t know about¬† fish¬† shit, even the mesh filter and great shaft diffuser won’t keep out that funky smell or worse.
another video of an aquarium hookah. :
This is great, short and electrically-clean fun all around.
Nice hookah to smoke “After a war”.
<object width=”425″ height=”355″><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/vYrsvWLRCpI&rel=1″></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/vYrsvWLRCpI&rel=1” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″></embed></object>

“There is no wrath like a non-smoker scorned

“My favourite flavour is “Camel-Date Tree Lite”
Great all in one package deals for your grandma’s birthday or buy a few forher bingo club and watch them fire up.
They are a more proggressive  & hip generation than ours ever can or will be!

Our generation :

 and 100% Heeb