“Indian Chief Smoke-too-much”
There is a great sketch by Monty Python’s Flying Circus called
“The Travel Bureau ” Sketch :
Man enters travel bureau :
Travel agent : Hello, I’m “Bound-for-Adventure”.
Tourist to be : Hello I’m “Smoke-Too-Much”.
Travel Agent : Well….You’d better cut down a little then.
Tourist : What?
Travel Agent : I said, “Smoke-too-much so you’d better cut down a little then. I’ll bet you have people saying that to you all the time”.
Tourist : “Actually I never noticed it”.
Travel Agent : “Well, have you come to sign up for one of our adventure tours then?”
Tourist : (Goes into a 4 minute long monologue rant about typical British Tourists overseas).
Classic —————— ————–
Author Mark Twain quote on extreme smoking :
“Excessive smoking is when you smoke 2 cigars at the same time.
Lord Byron on hookah :
“Divine in hookah,
sublime in pipe,
When trimmed and tapered,
Sweet and ripe….”
The problem with Lord Byron was that he stuck everything and anything into any pipe he could find.
I found him to be so Upper-Class indulgent that I could not finish the biography.