Though I am taking a chance on proving myself as a boor and a bore, even so. I risk it to second the motion of my previous post here to tell you more of the news about “Hookaholics” forum and website store.
As I get decades older I go the way of all flesh, which in modern times means I can run a Marathon, but I keep forgetting which one, where ,when, and where did I put my running shoes. Old people with strong bodies and weaker minds-the old grey cells.
So….I do know that the first original hookah forum wa one and the same “Hookaholics” with the same green and yellow logo, what I am not sure of is, was that8 years ago when I started smoking again the hookah that I signed up to the old forum, or was it (oh no, a few years less). I’ll find out exact dates.
Here are the links to the Hookaholics forum and store :
I see the nifty “Get 10% off by joining now” sign!!

“Click on this link you get a suprise”
This “Spiderman” hookah is available here :
Not to confuse, some of “’s ” products :

Lets face it, the forum didn’t start the day I puffed my hookah first, it was there before. I’ll ask “George” the moderator to clear this up and add a note.
The forum has been refurbished and though the company has been selling shisha and hookah products well for all this time, the forum was waylayed but YOU have the chance to get in on the beginning again.
¬†Its a new forum, clean and pristine, and that means all you¬† banned brigands of former big forums can “Repent” , turn over a new leaf and pray like the damned that here on “Hookaholics” they do the right,correct & logical thing . That is, IF you have slipped over the line on some infraction of the rules (like hacking their web and links), at least first they will warn you before being banned so that you will know why.
This actually happens to forum members. They get banned by some clerical mistake or pc glitch, and when they try to find out why, the forum site reads their “ip address” and they can’t write to the moderator to ask what the ban is about since they can’t get in.¬†¬† Now, what about me good wife and my 7 children AND their friends? They use the family pc that I work on, does that mean they can’t join said forum? Big Mother!
¬†Yeah you guessed it, this happened to me and I don’t know why. My 7 kids their friends and my wife are also mad at me since they can’t see the forum either from our family pc.
¬†By the way, I am referring to the “Hookah Domain” forum
hookah, not this forum of Hookaholics.
If this happened on my “Playboy” site, I’d be up a creek without a paddle. What would the children do on rainy afternoons?