Safe Smoking

Some safe tips and ideas of things not to do when smoking or good things to do :

If you have your hookah on a rug or carpet in the room you’re smoking in-don’t. If the house burns down, at least your parents or the university will be able to rebuild…they have insurance, but IF you drop a coal or it falls on mommy’s white carpet you will be reminded of it until you’re 48 years old.Guilt trip for sure.And you might be in the house if it burns down, not pleasant.
You could be tasteless but very safe by spreading a large ammount of aluminum foil on the rug which you re-roll and use each time. Its safe, but a hassle. Tasteless might mean going to a hardware store or such and buy a large piece of tin sheeting at least 4 X 4 feet since falling charcoals are usually round and they roll and break up. You can look closely at my knoty pine floor with those brown knots on it and the darker brown places where the wood is scorched. I put down aluminium foil, but those coals fall and roll.

Just today I solved the problem of the small tin dish plate with no real rim on it. I bought a round pie tin about 9 or 10 inch accross.I cut a round hole a bit smaller than the regular tin hookah tray making sure that it fits. Use a utility knife with care and cut awayfrom your body.
As the rim is 3 inches high no coal better jump out of that prophylactic.
Another thing. Don’t smoke if you’re tired, you’ll probably pull the hookah over and sleep through the burn.
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Lets hear some safe smoking tips.

Back on safety in narghileh toking :

I’ll sum it up with a song from the 1969 recording of Pink Floyd that came out as a single record. I heard the album a lot in 69, it was a big hit all over the western world (who else can afford to pay for the recording when the other half are starving to death?)
Here is one of the singles on 45 speed vinyl :
“Careful with that Axe, Eugene”. Its the only Pink Floyd which grates on me physically, and musically, though it could be a personal lack of mine. I think that to “each her own, when it comes to music, art, food, shisha flavour, choice of lovers, etc, etc.)
Yes, Eugene, that Hookah is actually more dangerous than a loaded gun, can kill more people than a mini-van crashing into a public school bus.
Just how Eugene? Well, if G-D forbid you leave the room to drain your radiator, and your pet dog, or cat go too close for their own hookah session and spill the beans, well, you won’t know that that thick carpet-rug has burned up to the window sash drapes, is creeping up to the ceiling, and in the attic there is more oxygen to burn the fire higher.
If the building holds one person, or two, or its a college dorm of 150-300 people than no car crash comes close to the G-D forbid damage that might be done.
And even though some people drink “a beer” with the buddies and go home a bit woozy, the damage done can be pure murder in the second degree or manslaughter, but no school bus will have 300 people on it.
Get the drift?
If you smoke, smoke wisely, safely.
I would go so far as to have a designated non-smoker who would torture you with enough guilt, preaching (sorry) , and pure peer pressure so that while you will not stop your smoke, “in spite of”, but atleast you won’t fall Asleep at the Wheel and burn.
This is to be taken tongue -in-cheek. When I drive a car, mostly I’m using all my mirrors and driving defencively. I have enouh faith in my 38 driving year record to trust what I can or shouldn’t do, know that I haven’t drunk 4 beers before I started the car.
I keep an eye out for any situation that might suprise me, and so in all cases, it saved my skin.
Its especialy a nice technique to use on a narrow two-lane road, on a dark, moonless,foggy Saturday night . Head on collisions probably don’t hurt as bad as getting knocked or hit a bit in the side, but, its a lethal weapon.
So is hookah, so be careful, smoke defencivley, too.
If I pull the hose to toke while I’m pulling my blanket around my shoulders, what can I expect but a burnt blanket?
If I light my shisha and leave the window open on a hot day, but a stiff breeze, what will be?
Another quote, this time from Mishna, the “Ethics of the Father’s(teachers)”.
“Who has true Wisdom; he that sees what is being born”. Of course thousands of pages of explainations on that one line, but in quite practical down to earth terms . “a person who goes into a tanner’s workshop where large leather hides are worked with harsh chemicals should know in advance that they will come out smelling putrid for hours. A person who goes into a store where only spices, of Myrr, Frankinsense, and wonderful perfumes are sold, even if they buy nothing, will come out smelling beautiful for hours”. Get the point?
And hookah smoking DOES leave a wonderful after smell of your last smoked flavour!!!!
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Pssst! Did you see that MINI ?

Now this is going to be strange:
I’ve smoked almost only large sized hookahs, and have a medium sized, made my own once, but NEVER smoked a MINI sized hookah.
Hey you out there in cyberspace!
Who’s smoked a mini, who has bought ?
Can see from here the great possibilities of a mini. It comes with its own protective carrying case IF you buy online on the web.
It is great for the beach, won’t tip over in the sand. (Which a large one will , even buried well in the sand for support.
They are easy to clean and care for, cheap to buy, good quality material made by the best manufacturers from India, China Syria, Egypt.
But how well they taste and preform, can’t enlighten you.
I used to take my medium sized to a local graveyard to relax (Only 3 times-I AM weird but not yet crazy!). The medium and mylarge tasted the same.
Lets hear your opinion here in the comments.

Mini Hookah

Best ideas on where and how to store you mu’assel tobacco

According to the many views on where to store your shisha tobacco, many people have said that keeping it in the refridgerator will ruin it for sure. One blog writer says that he does,but he is a minority of one.
“Tangiers” has addressed this subject in many posts.
The basics he says is the ammount of moisture in the air and how it will affect your shisha tobacco.
Keep in mind that most mu’assel is around 25% glycerine, the wetting agent which keeps the shisha moist. (Try keeping your strawberries fresh for 3 years!). The glycerine also binds the honey, tobacco andfruit. It keeps the shisha from otherwise burning from the heat.
Living is arid desert climates like Saudi Arabia or Arizona will affect the tobacco in one way, and smoking in Iceland or Alaska in the winter quite differently.
Vancouver B.C., Canada is known for its rainy climate almost all the year, and the moisture in the air wil affect the shisha and keep it wet.
But most shisha is manufactured in dry, arid Middle-East. When it comes to you, before smoking Tangiers and other experts agree on opening the box and letting it acclimitize for 2-10 hours, then return it to the box. This conditions it to your climate.
Refridgerating will add cold and moisture, but then you take it out, and then the climate changes it a third time, then if you put it back in the fridge, bigger problems.
Don’t refridgerate, but keep it best in its box, in a tupperware type plastic sealed box and then put in your cabinet-all will be fine.
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