There is the Moab mountain range which stretches from  The Syrian Border down to Jordan and ends at the Gulf of Aquaba a famous site for Israelis on their side and Jordanians and Saudi Arabians right next door to vacation with their hookah in hand. They are NOT Rocky Mountain size by any means, but still nice. I lived right at the Jordanian-Israel border  51 kilometers north of Eilat at the Gulf of Aquaba for 3 and a half years on a communal farm-kibbutz.  These mountains change colour and hue from hour to hour in the pure desert arid air.The evening  sunset is the best when they become varies of pink-purple.I never got tired of watching daily.
The Children of Israel crossed into Israel further north at Gilgal near Jerico. I also was at Gilgal the communal farm a few months prior to the other.
here my brother lives, and my other 2 brothers and I 10 kilometers away, 2 kilometers from Bethleham.
This is where I lived for almost 4 years and married my wife. I was part of the group that planted thse date palms in 1976.It extends much further.
Here is the Moab range accross from the Dead Sea (small sea is barely an American lake!)
Here is the plot of grass we got married on outside in 1976.
These were  2 foot high seedlings we planted in 1976.
this is so far the only half-decent photo of the Moab Range.
Dead Sea with mountains behind
Space map
The Moab range reaches from the yellow most norther Syrian-Israeli border in yellow to the south at Aquaba-Eilat.
There is the M.O.A.B. bomb¬† the “Mother of all Bombs”
“Massive Ordnance Air–burst Bomb” the USA used in Iraq,
I’m not tooting the war horn here by any means, just using the initials.
and also has a “M.O.A.B.”
the “Mother of all Brushes” for YOUR¬† hookah cleaning. Hookah products are¬† constantly improving almost weekly!
I have 5 brushes which I bought from, use them to clean the hookah shaft, and they sent me gratis- for free a new improved Mother moab brush in my last order. It has wider bristles to clean better and a more sturdier handle.
Here is the old style
new  MOAB mother of all brushes 19 inches long and much thicker
by Hookah 1 (M.O.A.B.)
“Mother of all Babblers”
You are right must often to clean inside the hubble bubble often.