As I mentioned in the previous post’s comment, Margaret Thatcher the former great Prime Minister of Great Britain¬†
¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†during ¬†the 1980’s has agreed for reasons known to her to trade brains with ME! I can’t understand, but for me its a good deal.
Actually my first choice for  my brain transplant was former PM Sir Winston chrchill of G.B.  , but its not available anymore   
I understand that it was big fashion in Winnie’s younger days (Right before the war with the Boer’s) to smoke hookah at the “CLUB”.¬†¬†
Here is “” ‘s site and link below
So both of us will soon¬†” go under” and do¬† the switch. This means that for at least 6 months I cannot grace this wonderful hookah forum/blog as I have been.
have a nice time. We won’t hold our breathes! Lets have a new writer for the Hookah Lounge if need be. How can we wait 6 months….if he’s lucky!
As a 59th generation hubbly bubbly smoker passed down father to sons/daughters I take up the challenge. I’d be happy to write this forum.
Who is your boss? I’d like to take a chance at this, by cracky!
we enjoyed the posts.
It was nice to read yer letters and advice with all the jokes